There is no doubt that this was the right team for the job. Their defined energy and expertise navigated our company toward a future that looks and feels refreshing. We are thrilled with the outcome and look forward to continuing our partnership.
— Becky Dubose, VP of Sales & Marketing
increase new users
increase in website sessions
page views
Launched in 1967 in San Antonio, Texas, Lancer Worldwide (LWW; formally Lancer Corporation) manufactures and designs carbonated and non-carbonated drink dispensers and has since grown to be a leading supplier of beverage dispensing equipment worldwide. As a subsidiary of Japan’s Hoshizaki Corporation, they have a global reach within 5 continents.
Within 4 years of Lancer Corp’s founding, a global soft drink maker became a high percentage of their overall revenue, which left the company essentially catering to their largest client. Additional customer revenue streams or marketing the company’s products were not prioritized which gradually allowed several competitors to emerge and take market share.
As a result, the company realized the way they communicate their value in the beverage industry needed to be reimagined for the future, without losing the historical attributes (quality and customer focus) that made them successful.
To get to the desired brand platform, we knew we needed to conduct a global brand perception study of internal stakeholders and external partners, create a modern look and feel for the company and develop a world-class website to position Lancer Worldwide as the gold standard in beverage dispensing products around the globe.
With the launch of the new brand platform and website, the company saw an increase in user engagement within the first 3 months of rolling it out to customers. During that time period, we tracked a 107% increase in new users, a 112% increase in website sessions and a 53% increase in page views over the same time period from the previous year.